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In the framework of accreditation

Testing of packaging materials and other products intended for direct contact with food in agreement with Czech as well as European legislation (Czech Law 258/2000 Col., Decree 38/2001 Col., Decree 84/2001 Col., Directive 2002/72/EC, Regulation (EC) 1935/2004/EC, 1895/2005/EC, 2023/2006/EC, 450/2009/EC, etc.).

Testing of food quality mainly with regards to influence of packaging system at particular storage conditions.

Out of the framework of accreditation

Testing of functional properties of packaging materials as well as ready made packages (mechanical parameters, barrier, migration and thermal characteristics, changes of modified atmosphere in food packages, etc.).

Chemical analyses of packaging materials and packages.

Evaluation of suitability of packaging systems for food processing including monitoring of chemical and/or microbiological changes of packaged food products.

Packaging system design for particular type of food.

Updated: 12.10.2014 23:33, Author: Lukáš Vápenka

Independent packaging laboratory
of UCT Prague
Testing laboratory No. 1316 by Czech Accreditation Institute according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
UCT Prague, Department of Food preservation
Technicka 3
166 28 Prague - Dejvice
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